NCS President’s Corner

Interview with Jennifer Thompson, Insight Magazine

Posted on May 4, 2010

Jennifer Thompson and President of the National Center for Simulation, Lt Gen (Ret) Tom Baptiste, discuss the future of the medical modeling and simulation industry in Orlando.  View:

NCS and the Fiscal 2011 Congressional Appropriations Process

Posted on March 10, 2010

A strategic objective and core mission of NCS is to sponsor member company project proposals to Congressional leaders for Fiscal Year Appropriation Plus-ups.  For the FY 2011 Appropriations cycle, the NCS Board of Directors (BOD) approved process can be viewed in detail by clicking the attached files.

The Honorable Suzanne Kosmas invites NCS to Washington D.C.

Posted on February 12, 2010

The Honorable Suzanne M. Kosmas (Florida District 24) invited the National Center for Simulation (NCS) to brief the Economic Impact of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) on the Florida Economy to her colleagues on the Hill!……

Letter to the Honorable Suzanne Kosmas

Posted on February 12, 2010

Dear Representative Kosmas: Thank you for hosting the National Center for Simulation (NCS) and our Industry Team on 3 Feb 10 to brief the Impact of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) on the Florida Economy…..

The National Center for Simulation Announces New President and Executive Director

Posted on February 11, 2010

The National Center for Simulation (NCS) is pleased to announce that it has hired retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom Baptiste as its President and Executive Director. Baptiste brings a wealth of knowledge and strategic vision to the world-renowned Simulation Center. While on active duty, Baptiste (a combat proven fighter pilot) commanded with distinction at […]