Congressman John Mica to host 7th Congressional District Chamber Fly-in to D.C.

Congressman Mica would like to invite you to join him in Washington, D.C. for the 7th Congressional District Chamber Fly-In on June 25th.  During the Fly-in you will attend briefings and meetings with Congressional Leaders and Key Staff to discuss and promote issues of importance to Central Florida, such as the simulation industry.

Each attendee will be responsible for making their own airline arrangements.  While participants may choose their own flight schedule for same-day travel or include an overnight stay, the official program is for one day only and the itineraries for suggested flights are as follows:
MCO-DCA  US Airways 2002    Lv 8:45 a.m. – Ar 10:54 a.m.
DCA-MCO  US Airways 1878    Lv 7:45 p.m. – Ar 10:00 p.m
(Earlier option leaving Orlando)
MCO-DCA  US Airways 1902    Lv 7:10 a.m. – Ar 9:20 a.m

Participants should sign up with our office by contacting our Oviedo Office at 407-366-0833.  A ground transportation and lunch fee of $60.00 per person will be made payable to and collected by the Seminole County Regional Chamber of Commerce.  Checks should be sent to 1055 AAA Drive, Suite 153, Heathrow, FL 32746, attention Ava Henderson.  You can register at the following webpage:…

If you have any questions please contact Congressman Mica’s Special Projects Director, Kevan Stone, at 202-445-4035 or by email at