EFI Announces the second round of funding opportunities for the Florida-Israel Partnership Program

We are pleased to update you that two Florida companies received funding through the first round of the Florida‐Israel Innovation Partnerships program and the second round of funding has just been announced and is now open for applications. This opportunity is relevant for Florida companies in the aerospace and aviation industries, or companies that are working on technologies that can be applied in these industries.

This is a great opportunity for Florida companies to:

·       Access Israeli technology and know-how

·       Access funding (on the Florida side from Space Florida and the Israeli side from the Office of the Chief Scientist)

·       Receive free scouting services to find relevant Israeli partner companies

The purpose of the Florida‐Israel Innovation Partnerships program is to promote greater R&D in aerospace and related technologies. Eligible R&D projects must stimulate generation and development of new or significantly improved products or processes for commercialization in global markets. This is a great opportunity for Florida companies to partner with an Israeli company on an R&D project in any of the following fields:

·       Satellite Communication

·       Small satellites (including C3I for small satellites) and small launch vehicles

·       Space sensors for space applications: development, integration, calibration, and environmental testing (including radiometry, multi- and hyper-spectral)

·       Bio-sensors for space research

·       Nano-materials and coatings for space applications

·       Electric power resources and solutions for space applications

·       Bio-sensors for space research

·       Microgravity research related to human life sciences

·       Unmanned aerial vehicles and systems

·       Nano-electronics, flex-electronics and low power electronics

·       Micro and nano-robotics technologies

·       Other aerospace related research project

A budget of up to $2,000,000.00 USD annually, has been jointly allocated by the State of Israel and the State of Florida to provide grants for eligible R&D Projects. Successful companies will receive funding directly from their country according to its regulations and procedures: Israeli companies from the Office of the Chief Scientist “OCS” in the Israel Ministry of Economy and Florida companies from Space Florida.

For more information about this opportunity and to apply please visit: http://www.spaceflorida.gov/israelpartnership

Please help us to promote this exciting opportunity for Florida companies by pass on this email to any Florida companies that you think may be interested in applying, or organizations that work with companies that may be relevant.

We are happy to assist any Florida company that is interested in applying with finding an appropriate Israeli partner.

Thank you in advance for helping us promote this opportunity.

Elysa Rapoport
Business Development Manager
Enterprise Florida, Israel Office
10 Hanehoshet St. Level 6,
Ramat Hachayal, Tel Aviv, 69710
Tel: +972-54-5996160

Mail to: erapoport@eflorida.co.il

Web: www.eflorida.com