“Developing the Future Modeling and Simulation Workforce with the Skill Sets to be Competitive in a Global Environment”, an in-depth article authored by NCS Education & Workforce Development Chairman Henry (Hank) C. Okraski, was the feature of the ITEA Journal (June 2014). The article is attached for your review.
The Florida STEM/M&S Workforce Model is discussed including the four-year curriculum for high school students and the planned M&S Certification program. STEM/M&S begins in elementary school where students get excited about the promise of involvement in interesting and challenging courseware, encompassing hands-on simulations. The high school curriculum, based on earlier work accomplished by Old Dominion University and enhanced by an industry, academia and government task force, is available on the National Center for Simulation website. Qualified teachers are greatly in demand. Certification offers advantages to the student, school and simulation industry.
Congratulations are in order to Hank for a well written article and for all the wonderful accomplishments of the NCS Education and Workforce Committee! Also, Hank is the author of the recently released book, “The Wonderful World of Simulation”!