NCS News Desk

NCS Membership total reaches 175

Posted on June 9, 2011 in General News,

The National Center for Simulation (NCS) Membership total now stands at 175.  With the signing of Marchena & Graham, P.A., Brothers Manufacturing, LLC and Medical Simulation Associates earlier this week, NCS has recruited 82 new Members since 1 Jan 2010, 33 of those in the first 5 months of 2011.  

Orlando-based Army Agency Lands $5 Million Medical Simulation Contract

Posted on June 9, 2011 in General News,

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 By: Nicole Creston May 10, 2011 | WMFE – The Orlando-based training and simulation agency for the United States Army has received a $5 million dollar contract to partner with the U-S Department of Veterans Affairs in medical simulation. To view the entire article click on the following link:

Orlando: Uncle Sam Meets Mickey Mouse

Posted on June 6, 2011 in General News,

MS&T was again featured in an article written by Richard Reep and published in the 2 June 2011 edition of newgeography.  To view the entire article click on the following link:

June Edition of Florida Trend Magazine features MS&T

Posted on June 6, 2011 in General News,

The June edition of Florida Trend Magazine features NCS and UCF/IST in article entitled “Virtual Reality Check”.  To view the entire article click on the following link:

Insight Magazine features Simulation in its 6 June 2011 edition

Posted on June 6, 2011 in General News,

Insight Magazine featured NCS, UCF/IST, RDECOM STTC and the Simulation world in its 6 June 2011 edition.  To view the article entitled “Simulation Training:  Making Strides”, click on the link below:

Lockheed cockpit tour touts F-35 program's economic benefits

Posted on June 3, 2011 in General News,

By Richard Burnett, Orlando Sentinel June 2 2011, 6:34 PM EDT Lockheed Martin Corp., which is developing the F-35 Lightning II jet fighter for the military, brought a cockpit training simulator to Orlando on Thursday to tout the program’s technological and economic benefits. The complete article can be viewed at:,0,6122467.story

U.S. Army to Use First Fully Immersive Virtual Simulation Training for Soldiers

Posted on June 2, 2011 in General News,

The U.S. Army will be using Intelligent Decisions, Inc.’s new Dismounted Soldier Training System, the first-ever, fully immersive virtual simulation training program for soldiers. The new training system will allow U.S. soldiers, leaders and units to train in a virtual environment to increase the quality of instruction and combat preparedness, while reducing traditional training expenses […]

NCS 6th Annual Scholarship Fundraiser Golf Tournament Most Successful Ever!

Posted on June 1, 2011 in General News,

The National Center for Simulation (NCS) held its 6th Annual Scholarship Fundraiser Golf Tournament on Thursday, May 26th at Stoneybrook East Golf Club. Players arrived at noon for a 1:00 p.m. shotgun start. Eighty-two golfers enjoyed the afternoon and friendly competition which was followed by dinner and an awards ceremony. Thanks to generous sponsorship, the […]

New Grant Opportunity–National Institutes of Health

Posted on May 19, 2011 in General News,

New Grant Opportunity! Virtual Reality Technologies for Research and Education in Obesity and Diabetes (R01) Agency:  National Institutes of Health Deadline Date:  Application due dates: February 5, June 5, October 5. NIH R01 award mechanism. Expiration Date: May 8, 2014 For details, click on the link below: or copy the above link into your web […]

For now, few jobs tied to Orlando Army agency's VA sim-training deal

Posted on May 17, 2011 in General News,

By Richard Burnett, Orlando Sentinel May 15 2011, 10:30 PM EDT The Army’s Orlando-based training-contract command just landed a deal to become “acquisition central” for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as that agency procures medical simulation-training systems for its 150 hospitals nationwide. The complete article can be viewed at:,0,5488…

SIMUL Technologies, India to establish a presence in Orlando

Posted on May 17, 2011 in General News,

SIMUL Technologies, India has been in dialogue with NCS for several months and is looking to establish a presence in Orlando, FL.  Their intent is to develop a simulation & visualization capability to support their operations in India and to tap into the Modeling, Simulation & Training Industry in the U.S.  The company is in need […]

Simulation gets its due!

Posted on May 16, 2011 in General News,

Beth Kassab Business Columnist May 15 2011, 10:21 PM EDT Orlando’s simulation cluster has long been a local bright spot even as the economy waned and the nearby “medical city” development grabbed the lion’s share of attention in recent years as a potential job creator. The complete article can be viewed at:,0,5717885.column

PEO STRI to act as Contracting Agent for VA Medical Simulation & Training Systems

Posted on May 10, 2011 in General News,

To view the original Orlando Sentinel article, click on the following link:,0,6352643,print.story

MT3 Announces Exciting Program Highlights–View Entire Agenda @ www.MT3.BZ

Posted on May 6, 2011 in General News,

Register Today! Interested in improving medical healthcare?  This year’s MT3 conference program is very exciting.  Here are a few highlights:  June 1st:  Government organizations brief industry on upcoming medical/medical simulation opportunities…June 2-4: Theresa Sareo and Army SSG Marek discuss Injuries/treatment.  Other great speakers/panels, topics include TBI, PTSD, surgical simulation, robotics, emergency medicine, simulation standards, medical […]

Igniting Innovation–Capital Acceleration Program–Call for Participants

Posted on May 6, 2011 in General News,

SPACE FLORIDA to Award $100,000 to I2 Participant Application deadline extended one week! The I2 Capital Acceleration Program is now accepting applications from Florida-based, small to medium-sized companies in the aerospace, aviation, biotech, life sciences, clean tech, alternative energy, defense, homeland security, information technology and telecommunications sectors.  The focus of I2 is to prepare Florida’s […]

Nearly 140 register for PM TRASYS Breakfast Event with Industry featuring Col David A. Smith, USMC

Posted on May 4, 2011 in General News,

On Wednesday, 4 May 2011 NCS in partnership with the Central Florida Chapter National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) co-hosted a Breakfast Event with Industry that featured Col David A. Smith, USMC, PM TRASYS.  Registration and attendance for this event broke all previous records.   Nearly 140 people registered for the event and 130 actually attended. 

NCS 2011 Accomplishments–A Living Document as of 22 November 2011

Posted on May 3, 2011 in President's Corner,

To provide Members feedback on the activity of NCS on their behalf, the following document captures specific accomplishments since 1 Jan 11.  A living document, it will be updated periodically to provide you the most current information possible.  To read more click on the attached file which was last updated on 22 November 2011:

Baptiste’s military experience a boon for simulation center

Posted on April 28, 2011 in General News,

ORIGINAL ARTICLE FROM ORLANDO BUSINESS JOURNAL…   Thomas L. Baptiste works in the epicenter of the U.S. modeling and simulation industry. And as president and executive director of the Orlando-based National Center for Simulation, he’s focused on growing the field in Central Florida. The center, which has three employees and about 160 members, works […]

Congresswoman Sandy Adams addresses Industry at NCS sponsored Breakfast Meeting

Posted on April 27, 2011 in President's Corner,

On Tuesday, 26 April 2011 Congresswoman Sandy Adams, Florida 24th District, provided a group of more than 60 attendees an update from Washington, D.C. and then fielded about 45 minutes of questions.  This was the first time since her election in November 2010 that she has had an opportunity to engage the MS&T Industry.  Photo attached.   

MT3 Announces Program Agenda for 1-4 June 2011 Conference

Posted on April 27, 2011 in General News,

MT3 is proud to present its 2011 program agenda (see attachment). Registration is open to attend, exhibit or sponsor this great program.  Hotel room block is available until mid-May. Please visit the MT3 website to register and/or book your hotel reservations.  The following MT3 Organizers are available if you would like more information. Exhibit Space […]