The PEO STRI Acquisition Center Source Selection Advisory Team (SSAT) invites our Industry partners to participate in the newly created Source Selection Improvement Group (SSIG) forum. The SSAT is initiating the SSIG forum with our Industry partners with the sole purpose of encouraging constructive exchanges related to the source selection process. The intent is for both Government and Industry to work together (in focus groups) to meet this purpose and to benefit from the inherent knowledge, experience, and lessons learned that each participant brings to the table. Information and documents for the SSIG forum can be found in the PEO STRI Business Opportunities Portal (STRI BOP) public website, under the SSIG tab. The STRI BOP SSIG tab is the central point for the SSAT to post all information pertaining to all SSIG Government and Industry stakeholders. You may want to visit this site periodically to stay informed.
If you are interested in providing topics and/or participating in the focus groups, please fill out the questionnaire included in the announcement area you will find within the STRI BOP SSIG tab web page. Send the questionnaire and/or any questions to the SSAT email address at: “”. The SSAT looks forward to working with you to further our communication and collaboration on the source selection process.