June 11, 2014
To: Potential Exhibiting Vendors
Team Orlando and NCS would like to thank the participants and attendees that made the Industry Capability Days a tremendous success. In addition to the 14 vendors, there were more than 200 registered attendees from both government and industry at the Spring Industry Capability Day.
This memo serves as the official announcement for the Summer Industry Capability Day on July 30, 2014, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The event will take place at the UCF Partnership III Building, 3039 Technology Parkway (Room 321-A/B), Orlando, FL 32826.
Space availability is limited to the first 14 participants who complete and return the Vendor Demonstration Agreement. As a result of the over-subscription to previous Industry Capability Days, there are 10 vendors in place for this Summer ICD. Therefore, only 4 additional vendors will be selected on a first come, first served basis.
Fax or e-mail the completed Vendor Demonstration Agreement forms to the National Center for Simulation prior to June 20, 2014. The NCS fax is (407) 384-0043. Please submit all E-mail to industryday@simulationinformation.com. Vendors that cannot be accommodated for this upcoming Summer Industry Capability Day will be added to a waiting list for future Industry Capability Days.
Table top demonstrations are held in a large conference room; up to 14 demonstrations will be set up concurrently. For each vendor, Team Orlando will provide one power outlet; one 6′ x 2′ table; and two chairs. All other materials needed for demonstration will be the vendor’s responsibility. Loading will be via a passenger elevator or stairway at the front of the building. While we make a conscientious effort to generate interest in your demonstration, attendance by Team Orlando personnel is not guaranteed.
If you have additional questions, please contact NCS at industryday@simulationinformation.com or call George Cheros at 407-384-6111.